social media news-LinkedIn Adds Long-Form Posts for Company Pages, New Ad Performance Measurement Options


LinkedIn Adds Long-Form Posts for Company Pages, New Ad Performance Measurement Options

LinkedIn is looking to provide more ways for brands to maximize their content efforts on the platform, and tap into its rising levels of user engagement, with a new feature for Company Pages that it’s calling ‘Articles for Pages’.

LinkedIn Articles for Pages

As it sounds, Articles for Pages is an extension of LinkedIn’s long-form blogging option, which has been available for personal profiles since 2014. Now, company pages will also be able to create posts, and shared them direct in-app.

As explained by LinkedIn:

While members on LinkedIn have long had the ability to draft and publish long-form articles on the platform, organizations have been limited to character counts for organic posts in the feed. That’s no longer the case with Articles for Pages.”

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LinkedIn says that the option will better enable brands to engage their LinkedIn audience, without them having to leave the platform, while it’ll also provide more presentation options for company content, including links, pull quotes, and more.

Whether brands will want to share their best content on LinkedIn, as opposed to driving traffic back to their own sites, is another question, but LinkedIn does note that brands will also be able to use their posts to encourage next-step actions “like following your Page, clicking through to your website, or downloading a resource.” 

So it could still be used as a means to drive direct response, providing a way to tap into rising in-app engagement trends, and to use that as a means to generate leads among engaged, active and targeted audiences.

The latter could actually be the most significant benefit on offer here. Through long-form company blog posts, LinkedIn will also provide access to detailed audience insights, including “the firmographics of people reading and interacting with the content”.

For B2B brands in particular, that could be a valuable option for gathering specific information about your target audience, and refining your content approach to maximize appeal with key decision-makers.

It’ll take some experimentation, and analysis, to measure the relative performance of content hosted on LinkedIn, versus on your own website, but there could be value here for those seeking to tap into the rising LinkedIn discussion, and reach key business groups based on site info.

The announcement comes as part of LinkedIn’s latest quarterly update, within which LinkedIn has also announced a few other tweaks and updates designed to help improve company engagement.

Among them, LinkedIn has also announced an updated integration between its live-streaming and Events tools, which will enable brands to schedule live events on the platform. That will facilitate new promotion options for upcoming live-video events, while LinkedIn’s also lowering its threshold for access to LinkedIn Live, reducing it from 500 Page followers or connections (for personal profiles) to 150.

In addition to this, LinkedIn’s also adding two new ad optimization options:

  • Brand Lift Testing  Similar to Brand Lift on other platforms, LinkedIn will now enable brands to measure the impact of their promotions “by taking a baseline of your brand’s perception, and then testing the brand impact of those ads against key metrics”. The option is now available in Campaign Manager
  • Reach Optimization – LinkedIn will also now enable advertisers to optimize their reach for unique member accounts, providing more capacity to reach new audiences with your promotions.

Finally, LinkedIn’s also adding new reach and frequency forecasting in Campaign Manager, which will provide estimates on the predicted results of your Brand Awareness campaigns. The new listing will be displayed in your campaign setup.

LinkedIn ad reach forecasting example

Of course, most of these tools have been available on other platforms for some time, so they won’t be entirely new to social media managers, but they do add to LinkedIn’s tools, which could provide more capacity to better manage your performance, and maximize your spending.

How valuable each will be will come down to your unique usage, and your LinkedIn audience engagement - but at the least, there are some valuable new additions to experiment with, and again, with LinkedIn engagement rising and rising over the past two years, and with an expected ramp-up coming in the post-pandemic recovery, it could be worth paying more attention to the professional social network.  

You can read LinkedIn’s latest quarterly platform update here.


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