Introduction to moon night

  • Eid-ul-Fitr is a religious festival of the Islamic world that marks the end of the month of Ramadan and is celebrated with great devotion and enthusiasm every year on the first of Shawwal, while Shawwal is the tenth month of the Islamic calendar. Eid is an Arabic word which means happiness, celebration, joy and revelry while Fitr means breaking the fast. That is, breaking or ending the fast. The fast ends on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr. On this day, Allah Almighty rewards His servants for fasting and worshiping Ramadan. Therefore, this festival has been declared as Eid-ul-Fitr. The joys of Eid-ul-Fitr begin after seeing the moon Until some time ago, people used to try and see the moon on the roofs of their houses or in the open fields, but today, the same thing is done by the scholars with the help of big binoculars, and if the weather is bad in one place, it is different. The date of Eid is decided by consensus on the basis of evidence from various places and the people are informed through the media. People celebrate after receiving the news of the new moon and it is called moon night. Girls and women apply henna on their hands and dishes are cooked at home. There is a lot of rush in the bazaars outside where girls wear bangles. And for the family, they shop for Eid the next morning and the youngsters add to the excitement


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